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Karel De Brant


My first steps into adulthood was started in the Sint-Lucas Institute in Ghent and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp, where I majored in sculpting.


In 2008 I completed my training as a Body Stress Release practitioner (BSR) in beautiful South Africa and lived and worked there for several years. In 2012 I started my BSR practice in Hamme. BSR is mainly aimed at releasing muscle tension, but it has an uncanny way of also releasing emotions. This has prompted me to offer counseling through which I can provide support and guidance when psychosocial difficulties arise.


In 2018, I followed a 3-year Counselor/Coach training from the Client-oriented-Experiential vision at Focus on Emotion and in 2019 Existential Wellbeing from the Client-oriented-Experiential vision.



  • Counseling/coaching from the client-oriented experiential approach, Focus on Emotion

  • South African Body Stress Release Academy

  • Brainspotting Belgium 

  • Existential Well-being,  (MOOC/KU Leuven).

  • Emotion-Focused Therapy - Level I, Focus on Emotion



Irma du Preez


II was born and raised in South Africa. At the end of 2011, my family and I moved to Belgium. My professional background is in music and art.

I took a course in Naturopathy from 1999-2001 and a herbalist course in 2002 out of pure interest, but never with the thought of doing anything with it professionally.

After I moved, I developed an enormous yearning for greenery and open space. The shock of realising that I have to function in a concrete jungle, caused a total upheaval in my life. I started searching for ways of making contact with nature as a way to find my feet in my new surroundings. Once again I took a herbalist course, partly to learn the language, partly to get to know the local plants.The infectious enthusiasm during training to become a phytotherapist, from Philip Gérard of the Primrose Academy, encouraged me to make a real career out of it. After several years of practicing as a herbalist, I decided to pursue a bachelor's level course through Heartwood EducationMedical Herbalistto follow. This is an excellent combination with Karel's existing BSR and counseling practice. I have finally found my feet in Flemish clay.



Irma du Preez



  • Heartwood Education Professional, Medical Herbalism

  • Phytotherapy, Primrose Academy

  • Herbalist, CVO

  • Iridology, Healing Hands International

  • Naturopathy, Healing Hands International

Professional associations


Body Stress Release Belgium
PCE Europe

De informatie op de website is geen vervanging voor een medische behandeling en niet bedoeld om een diagnose te stellen. Raadpleeg in geval van gezondheidsproblemen altijd eerst een arts.

VAT: BE 0845.521.284 - 51 Kleinhulst, Hamme 9220 - © 2022 Wonderboom

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