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Body Stress Release practitioner Karel De Brant te Hamme
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Wat is Body Stress Release?


Pijn, spanning of stress?

Body Stress Release (BSR) ondersteund jouw lichaam dat hoe dan ook, bereid en wonderbaarlijk in staat is om los te laten,

beter te worden, sterker en pijnvrij te worden.

BSR is een gezondheidstechniek die het lichaam in staat stelt het zelfhelend vermogen optimaal te benutten. BSR helpt vastgezette spierspanning (body stress) los te laten (release).

How does Body Stress develop?


BSR is for everyone, from young to old, healthy or sick. Every person is exposed to different forms of tension every day, possibly resulting in a disruption of the nervous system, with as a result, the communication to and from the brain no longer functioning optimally. This disruption negatively impacts body functions. Muscle tension reduces your body's efficiency. Recovery from major mental or physical exertion and illness happens less efficiently, moving further and further away from optimal health. Someone who suffers from body stress often feels very tense or tired. The body get progressively stiff, the zest for life, energy and enthusiasm starts lacking. Emotional instability, insomnia, breathing problems and disruption of metabolism and digestion can result.


We distinguish 3 types of stress that can lead to "Body Stress" or fixed muscle tension:


Can be caused acutely by a traffic accident, a serious fall or incorrect lifting of a heavy object. It can also be built up slowly due to incorrect posture, strenuous sport and heavy physical or repetitive work. Furthermore, a long-term illness or pregnancy can cause physical overload.


Occurs with intense emotions or shock. Tension built up over a long period of time due to financial worries for example, disturbed relationships, trauma, loss of a love one etc. all contributing to tension being locked into the body.


In case of hypersensitivity, it is caused by consuming, inhaling or absorbing harmful substances through the skin. This includes insecticides, artificial colourants, flavourants and cosmetics.


This disruption negatively affects body functions and can cause all kinds of complaints, such as:


  • Painful or stiff back and neck

  • Hernia, lumbago, sciatica

  • Whiplash complaints

  • Shoulder problems

  • Pain in hips, legs, knees or ankles

  • Tingling or numbness in arms, legs, fingers or toes

  • Cramps in calves

  • RSI

  • Tenniselleboog

  • Onrustige benen

  • Hoofdpijn, duizeligheid

  • Brandend maagzuur, misselijkheid

  • Darmproblemen, constipatie of diarree

  • Verstoord slaappatroon

  • Groeipijnen

  • Bekkeninstabiliteit en blaasproblemen

  • Burn-out

  • enzovoort...

BSR is no massage.


The technique is not aimed at a disease or physical problem. It has been developed to reduce and release tension locked in the muscles and restoring communication between the nervous system and the brain. This communication is crucial for the body's self-healing capacity.


During the consultation the client remains fully clothed and the practitioner performs a number of tests to locate the areas of muscle tension. The body itself provides the necessary information. When the muscle tension is localized, the body is stimulated to release the muscle tension. This is done by giving light, but firm, manual pressure pulses in the right place and in the right direction.




The BSR technique is soft and friendly

and is based on a deep respect for the wisdom of the body

and the innate ability to heal itself



Effect of Body Stress Release

A BSR consultation initiates a process in which the built-up and stuck tension in your body is released. This process continues during the hours and days after the consultation. What you feel after BSR can vary greatly. Various effects are possible:


  • an immediate relief from your pain

  • more flexible muscles

  • greater activity of your organs

  • more energy

  • a feeling of relief, space

  • tingling

  • feeling of heat or cold


Temporary fatigue or an emotional reaction is possible. Due to the improved communication between nerves and the brain, an 'old' pain or irritation can temporarily recur. This is all part of the natural recovery process.





Three initial agreements. Reducing fixed muscle tension is a process! To optimally support your body during this process, you start with 3 consecutive appointments as standard:

on day 1, 4 & 11.

Your first BSR consultation consists of an intake interview followed by a release and lasts 45 to 60 minutes.

Follow-up appointments last 30 to 45 minutes.





Do you recognize your problem?
Is your complaint not listed?
Are you in doubt?

Contact us without obligation!

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